Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Over the past few months I've gradually been honing my music library to the point where I now almost exclusively listen to Bruce Springsteen. His music holds an overwhelming sense of nostalgia and I often find myself longing to be cruising along Route 66 in Jersey with my old girlfriend back in '77.

This is weird for many reasons since I never grew up listening to The Boss (my parents were firmly planted in the Bryan Adams camp), I've never been on Route 66 or in New Jersey and, most importantly, I wasn't alive in 1977. Nevertheless, this doesn't stop me from hollerin' along to The River like a 19-year old blue-collared construction worker and really, really meaning it.


One of my favourite illustrators, Lois van Baarle, just finished her final animation project and here is the result. Genius.


Heck yes.

1 comment:

Dexter Douglas said...

Dude, what an awesome idea!

I need to get some Springsteen from you. You just made me hearken back to when I was a young timberman in California. That was back when I smelled like machine grease and leather.